Sunday, November 7, 2010

Observations: Week Four

This week I got to observe my micro-aquarium under a higher powered microscope and was able to take pictures. I saw two Paramecium bursaria floating around between the plants and the top of the water. There were also a lot of Nematodes and a couple of Amoeba sp. There were a few long strands of diatoms, and a lot of very tiny ones, and lastly there was an organism that was moving too fast to take a picture of, or even to identify, but I've included a drawing of what it looked like to me. There was a lot more movement in my micro-aquarium than there has been in past weeks, so there were a lot of pictures to be taken. Here are two pictures of organisms, a picture of the aquarium itself, and my drawing: 

Works Cited:
Patterson DJ. 1992. Free-Living Freshwater Protozoa. New York (NY). p. 51